bookmark_borderVulnerability and Other Random Thoughts

I’ve been working on the small business and continuing my experiments…

For example, I started to show my face a little bit more. That one’s hard for me for a few reasons:

a) I’m looking much older

b) I was never one to really show photos of myself. I was a graffiti artist, remember? Back in my day (hahah omfg), nobody showed their faces; most of us stayed anonymous. Plus I’m mostly an introvert and prefer to go unnoticed.

c) It feels SO uncomfortable.

But in doing so, I hope to be more comfortable; I really just want to get it over with. Small businesses seem to blend in with personal brands if there’s only one person running it. I also hope that people can see that I’m an actual person; I want them to see me for who I am, and in doing so can make a decision whether to buy from me or not.

It’s better that way I think; better to know right away who likes and supports you rather than be polite for a long fucking time.

Of course there are some slight anxieties like: will people stop supporting me when they find out that I work in the adult entertainment industry? Will the spiritual people think it’s gross and dirty?

It’s hard but we really have to stop caring about what people think and just go for it, otherwise we become slaves to other people’s opinions. They might not even be thinking that at all, it’s our own ego mind creating these ‘what if’ scenarios.

I’ve come to realize that the right people WILL be attracted to you so don’t worry about those who aren’t.

Speaking of being polite, I’ve decided to unfollow a lot of other people; mostly other crystal shop owners. They’re all great, I just don’t want to be influenced by them; I want and desire to have my own voice.

I read an interesting post on Instagram regarding this very same topic. It’s from entrepreneur Melyssa Griffin and you can read it here.

Anyways, I don’t have much to share; being an already quiet person who’s gotten even more quiet. I’m just thinking of ways to get my online crystal shop out there in the world wide web. We have to dream the impossible for ourselves, even if it sounds cliché or ridiculous; for in doing so we stretch our imagination a bit further. I believe that the universe will meet us there when we decide that we are limitless.


bookmark_borderSacred Geometry Spiral Living

All I’ve been wanting to do lately is just doodle sacred geometry shapes and symbols. I wanted to draw this while at work today but alas I was on a deadline. And then I made a gif out of it a day later.

I feel as if something is being activated in me but I’m not sure what it is. I read something online recently about the light body – that it is activated in levels.

I’m drawn to merkaba, pyramid, sri yantra, stars, eyes and infinity symbols. I’ve been drawing them a lot repetitively, I also want them tattooed on me.???????

Been reading about the Lemurians, Atlanteans, the Pleiadeans; my psychic friend told me in the beginning of January 2018 that I was Lemurian/Atlantean in a past life…which in a way makes total sense that I’m drawn to Lemurian crystals and was able to sell them successfully, or is it only because most everyone in the crystal world reveres them? Hard to tell but I’m learning to trust that what I feel is true for me.

Speaking of past lives, I’m really into the subject but still have no clue who I was in the past. I guess it doesn’t matter so much unless it’s affecting my current lifetime in a negative way.

All I know is I don’t know where I’m going anymore. I’m definitely IN the spiral and I can’t relate to most people these days unless we’re into the same stuff.

I’m lost and I don’t want to be found. There is so much to learn about the past, present, future and other dimensions.

It’s officially been a year since I started Metaphysical Vibes. I applied for a business license & seller’s permit around this time in April 2017 and opened to the public on Earth Day, April 22nd. What an interesting exercise in manifestation this has been, I don’t know what’s next as I’m learning so much about myself and haven’t been spending money on the business as I spent a lot last year, so I’m paying down my debt. I’m taking an 8 week course in Trans Crystal Therapy at The Crystal Matrix – learning and working with the stones and their associated chakras, scanning the body with pendulums and Quartz crystals, becoming more aware of our auras, etc. I love my teacher and the people I’m taking the course with. I’m definitely growing and transforming, into what I have yet to discover. The Death card appeared this week, as did The Fool.

Open mind, open heart. Stay curious as there is so much more to it than just the physical world. Peace, love and blessings if you are reading this.✨❤✨

bookmark_borderA Celtic Cross Reading for Myself – 12/6/2017

I am and have been living in the eternal now moment more these days. Life has been feeling more and more timeless the more I let go of certain concepts, like birthdays.

Like today is supposed to be my “40th” birthday but what does that really mean? It’s a construct, created by humans to measure time.

Anyways, before I ramble on about esoteric things – the whole purpose of this blog post was to post my first Celtic Cross reading I did for myself today. For the longest time, I feel as if I have been intimidated by this spread and was actually looking for someone to read my cards for me; but through the process of searching for someone I realized that I ‘could’ just read for myself (even though I still need help from a book). To anyone who is reading this, I’m not a professional tarot reader at all – I just read for myself.

So here is a photo of my reading using my favorite deck the HK Tarot with the card and card position meanings:

Position 1  / Heart of the Matter: IV of Pentacles

Position 2 / Opposing Factor: I The Magician

Position 3 / Root Cause or Unconscious Influence: XV The Devil

Position 4 / The Past: Page of Cups

Position 5 / Attitudes and Beliefs or Conscious Influence: IV The Emperor

Position 6 / Future or Approaching Influence: Ace of Wands

Position 7 / You as Your Present Self: II of Pentacles

Position 8 / You as Others See You: IX The Hermit

Position 9 / Guidance: III of Pentacles

Position 10 / Outcome: X of Pentacles

I’ve definitely been focused on business stuff lately so of course it makes total sense that a lot of pentacles are present in my reading. I’ve had money on my mind a lot – how to make it, how to keep it, how to make more of it in a way that’s enjoyable to me. The devil is ever present, reminding me of my strong attachments to material wealth (money).

I used Joan Bunning’s Learning The Tarot book as my guide; it was one of the first tarot books I got for myself and seems to be the book I still go back to often.

Do you have a tarot book that you really like? I’d love to know what books you read.

bookmark_borderWhy Share Your Business Stuff?

Why let other people know about what you’re doing so they can copy it?

I share my thoughts (not every single thing) on growing a small business so I can look back on it and see my own progress, so I can learn from my mistakes.

I share it with everyone who is searching for answers, as I am doing the same exact thing by searching online. Perhaps what I write here will be useful to someone else, as I’m just paying it forward. I also believe that no one’s success is diminished just because someone shared supposed industry secrets that others before me have already shared. We’re all learning everyday. Besides – I’m not the first one to do so and I won’t be the last; it just so happens to be from my personal perspective.

There’s lot of free information out there on the world wide web, you just have to search for it.

Also, there’s a niche for spiritually minded but weird business people – though making money is the common goal, we are also motivated by different factors. If you follow/subscribe to Carolyn Elliott’s newsletter ( – she writes about this kind of stuff perfectly; I love it.

Here’s some of the things I have searched for; and as silly as they sound – other people genuinely seek answers to these same questions like:

How do I get more real followers on Instagram?

Which social media platform should I focus on?

How often should you offer discounts?

What to do when sales slow down on Etsy?

Why do people undercut their prices?

Is it better to leave “sold out” products on the website or hide them?


I will add more to this when I get a chance.

As far as copying goes, I’ve spent a lonnnng fucking time being frustrated about people who copy. It actually hindered me from doing any kind of creating. I’ve come to the conclusion that you just have to keep going and let the public decide; keep putting out good content that’s true to yourself and people will eventually see you.

bookmark_borderA Lot Can Happen in 3 Months – 9/10/2017


A lot can happen in 3 months, a lot can happen in a year.

I wrote this post 3 months ago (June 2017): How To Sell Online If You’re Not Popular – unsure of how things were going to unfold.

Then I wrote this post: A Moment of Doubt When Diving Into the Unknown about a month and a half ago (July 24) when I was having doubts about whether I made the right decision to start up the crystal business.

But after I went and received my Level I Reiki attunement on August 13th, things started to really take off. The sales started rolling in.

I can’t explain it, and I won’t even attempt to. It’s all a bit mysterious and mystical to me how events are connecting itself.

Is it also because there were 2 major cosmic events in that month – a Lunar and a Solar eclipse? My Reiki teacher told me that during my attunement she had seen the Sun and the Moon out at the same time and that she saw a salmon far out in the ocean, far away from where it normally would be (in a river). The message is this: it won’t be easy but I have to be persistent to get to where I want to be. My Reiki attunement was such a beautiful and memorable experience. Everything’s the same, yet everything’s different.

I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I know it will be awesome and everything that I’ve wished for and more.

So I just wanted to write this post, expressing my deep thanks and gratitude for the things that are happening right now. We must get into the habit of expressing our blessings, big and small.

I am writing this too so I can look back and remember how the Universe supported me from the moment the idea came into my head.

And I will never forget it.

Cho Ku Rei


bookmark_borderA Moment of Doubt When Diving Into the Unknown

A moment of doubt that needs to be aired out…

You made a decision and decided to commit to it, but the doubts and other naysaying aspects of yourself (all coming from you) start creeping into the mind and like literally a bunch of ‘what ifs’ start to come up. I’m not going to mention those ‘what ifs’ because they don’t exist, but my mind wants me to acknowledge them and make them come true through psychological repetition…

Why did I make it hard for myself?

Why didn’t I just sell on Etsy like everyone else?

Because you’re not like everyone else. I repeat: you’re NOT like everyone else.

You made it hard for yourself because deep down, you like a challenge; you like to problem solve and you like to learn and grow even though growth is annoying and a bit uncomfortable considering the money you’re investing into it. It’s a bit scary for you isn’t it…spending money and wondering if you’re going to get it back? Selling crystals on Etsy might’ve been way easier, but much harder for you to stand out since there’s so many people selling crystals & gemstones on there. Being outside of a selling platform might be harder but you’ll stand out more and you have more creative freedom. You’ve made the decision to become a legit small business so now stick with it. Things will not always be easy but be patient and persist, keep doing what you need to do to make your business grow and trust that it is already growing.

So get over your ridiculous ‘what ifs’. They don’t exist.

bookmark_borderHow To Sell Online If You’re Not Popular

Selling stuff online is a new venture for me. Some people are really good at it, while others (like me) might be off to a slow start.

It’s better to be honest about where you’re at currently, and right now things are going a bit slow – I don’t have a huge social media following and I rarely show my face. This might not be the case for everyone, but I think people tend to buy from a seller when they show their face or have built up some kind of online reputation over the years…

I have neither of those things and so I have to start from scratch. Maybe you are on the same boat as me? Well then, keep reading.

So how does one go about selling online if you’re not popular online?

There are a few ways to do this, but one of the ways requires spending money. I already know what you’re thinking – boo, hiss, groan!! I feel your pain – why should you spend money if no money is even coming in yet??

But understand this concept – in order to make money, you also have to spend it. Think of it as an investment.

In order to make money, you also have to spend it.

Business owners understand this concept very well, and I am learning this too. Startup costs like purchasing inventory or product to sell, hosting and domain for your online store, shipping materials, etc. If you’ll be selling at a local flea market you’ll be paying to be there and you’ll also have to rent or purchase a tent, chairs, tables and whatever items you might need to make your tent or table look appealing to potential buyers.

So you see, EVERYTHING costs money. But if you see it as an exchange for the things you want (because in reality that IS what it is), you won’t feel like you’re ‘losing’ money or that you’re always broke. No money is ever lost – instead you gained things, things that you’ve been wanting. It’s a constant exchange and nothing more.

The other less expensive way is to just keep on trucking through posting on social media, seo and blogging. This is the nature of things, where not everything can happen right away because you want them to. You have to build up your reputation and following by being active on social media consistently and not just when you feel like it. You also have to post really good content on your blog so it can be found on Google.

So in short, you have to experiment with all three of these things: paid advertising, blogging and social media.

One of the main requirements to selling online is patience. You’re planting a seed right now, so don’t expect it to sprout right now too!

I’m writing this because these are the things that I’m currently experiencing; in April 2017 I was so excited and full of fire to setup everything – the website, getting a seller’s permit & business tax license; those were not easy feats. The month of May was great because my good friend who is a herbalist invited me to have a table at a yoga studio for a small artisan faire – and I actually sold some stuff! Now it’s June and although I made a sale, I’m experiencing a little bit of a slump.

So I’m writing this to my future self – everything goes in cycles and you have to keep going with this. Be persistent, don’t give up and you will eventually see the fruits of your labor. You put in a lot of work already, don’t succumb to just being lazy and letting Etsy, Ebay or Amazon take a cut from your profits. You are technical, creative and motivated. You can see this through and you will still be here a year from now.

Here are the crystals & stones I’m currently working with to help me achieve my business goals – natural Citrine, Green Aventurine, Moss Agate & heat treated Citrine. Added Pyrite to the mix as well.

Update 11/27/18:
It’s been a year and a half since I wrote this blog post. My online crystal shop, Metaphysical Vibes is still up and running. I have experimented with Google AdWords and Facebook ads; though both are great I feel as if Google AdWords is slightly better as it brings actual buyers.

I have made some sales on the website, but it’s inconsistent as most people still go to my Etsy. It’s going to take some time before people start shopping on my website on a regular basis.

Update 11/28/20:
Wow, it’s been 2 years since I wrote this blog post. The crystal shop is still there, but I am not making as much sales as I used to. This year especially has been hard and not just for me but for every small business.

Don’t quit your day job (if you still have one).


Like I said, remain consistent. This stuff takes time and it’s not a ‘get rich quick’ kind of scheme.

bookmark_borderTaking Part in Your Community

It would be easier to say ‘fuck LA, it’s gentrified. I’m moving the fuck out.’

Yes, easy right?

But much harder and more of a challenge to actually stick around and take up space in your own community.

Let’s be real here, do you really want to move; especially if you’ve lived in LA for so long? I’ve thought about the logistics of getting a house that I can actually afford…in the desert, but financially it would still cost the same. And besides, why the hell should you move just because some out-of-towners are taking over your neighborhood. Fight back!

So the question is, how do you fight back, then?

By supporting local businesses, supporting your friends who are all grown up now and have started opening up their own businesses; supporting small mom and pop shops who have become a fixture in the neighborhood. Support them by buying something, don’t ask for free stuff; understand that they have to make money and have bills to pay too.

Fight back by taking up space, why not start your own small business if you have an idea that you think people would love? This is your city, too!

Most of us have gone beyond the self-centered mentality – when you were young all you cared about was yourself. There was a time when it served you well.

Now is the time to give back and help out.

I hope this puts things into perspective a little bit. Here is an excellent read: 9 Tried & True Methods for Fighting Back Against Gentrification