My drawings are at its purest when I sketch them initially. The more I try to refine them and make them perfect, the less they become natural and loose.
bookmark_borderWhy Cats Vomit
My cat Tabby started vomiting recently, even though we feed her the same kind of food – a can of wet food (Purina Pro Plan) and some kibble (Nutro). There are a number of reasons why a cat would vomit, but the main reason usually has to do with their diet. Apparently a cat can develop allergic reactions to food as well. We had to figure out which one is the culprit and we think it’s the kibble. I am just posting this link as a reminder.
So I decided over the weekend to put up my old website and it’s domain, back online.
It will serve as an archive of my old work. And if I am attempting to do the art thing yet again, then it’s important for people to understand my background.
The site was redirecting to Save the Savages, but decided to make them separate.
What is the reason for this? I believe that if I did have an audience, they wouldn’t like every part of me jumbled together into one, confusing mass…
so even though we are one and the same individual – I am creating the illusion of separateness.
Our human brains like to categorize things, and so does the internet.
So those who like my old graffiti & art stuff can go over there. Those who like the stuff I do now can stay here.
bookmark_borderDrawing – Tektite Unicorn
I participated in a tektite guided meditation last night & posted an animated version on Instagram today (something that I just did pretty quickly in Photoshop), so here is a still version. Have I told you that I enjoy making GIFs? Well, now you know 🙂
From Robert Simmon’s Book of Stones: “Tektites carry the energies of a number of extraterrestrial streams of communication and information. These stones, whether they are themselves Meteorites or not, vibrate with high-frequency pulsations which can put one in touch with ETS.”
And that accurately describes what I experienced: I floated from a desert landscape into the night sky, exchanging energy with my star. After that, I traveled further into space and landed in an area that was similar to Superman’s home, Kryptonite. Ice-like and blue, except it wasn’t. I encountered & merged with a being that morphed from a unicorn, to a sea horse, then into a pulsating, wavy, transparent sea slug until it grew larger & became glints of colored light. It was overwhelming that I was literally blinded by the light! Did you get the song reference? Super trippy indeed. Thankful for the experience!
I still want to learn how to animate really well in After Effects, as well as create 3D graphics in Cinema 4D. I really just want to animate my visions. I just want to play, experiment and have fun. There are so many things I want to learn…
so a rough drawing made with office supplies will do for now.
bookmark_borderArt for Sale: Wu-Tang “C.R.E.A.M” Painting by Sherm
Title: CREAM
Size: 16″x20″
Do you live by the Wu Tang code of Cash Rules Everything Around Me? Then this 16″x20″ acrylic painting is for you. This is a painting of the letters inspired by the rap song “C.R.E.A.M” by the world famous Wu Tang Clan.
Please inquire by sending an email to:
bookmark_borderDream On
Today I am dreaming about a few things:
Rather than striving to buy a house (which I can’t afford at my comfort level anyway), I am now dreaming about freelancing yet again.
I’ve been doing the fulltime thing for quite some time now. It’s great to have that security but I also want to experience something different. I tried freelancing a couple of times before but failed.
I want to work for myself, and I want to grow my own business. I mostly just want the freedom to work from home and be at home. I’m kind of a homebody.
But just because it SOUNDS easy doesn’t mean it is.
And this could just be another pipe dream…
or this could be me manifesting a whole new reality.
If it’s in alignment with your highest good, then anything is possible.
Allowing myself to dream on.
Photo is a closeup shot of my favorite Labradorite stone. If you look closely, you’ll see what appears to be a lone figure. He occupies this mystical forest, just being.
I wish I could be like him, to just be. But it is also an inherent part of our human nature to want more for ourselves when our current situation no longer gels – to make our dreams come true, to manifest our truest desires.
bookmark_borderGif Art: Kirin II
Digital version of Kirin drawing
bookmark_borderThe Complexity in Her Eye – 2010
bookmark_borderEarth Day Everyday
One of my metaphysical teachers Naha, wrote this beautiful prayer in honor of Earth. I felt compelled to share it.
Naha has taught me and many others about the tarot, crystals, psychic protection & so much more.
Check out Naha’s magical Instagram or visit House of Intution