bookmark_borderDream On

Today I am dreaming about a few things:

Rather than striving to buy a house (which I can’t afford at my comfort level anyway), I am now dreaming about freelancing yet again.

I’ve been doing the fulltime thing for quite some time now. It’s great to have that security but I also want to experience something different. I tried freelancing a couple of times before but failed.

I want to work for myself, and I want to grow my own business. I mostly just want the freedom to work from home and be at home. I’m kind of a homebody.

But just because it SOUNDS easy doesn’t mean it is.

And this could just be another pipe dream…
or this could be me manifesting a whole new reality.

If it’s in alignment with your highest good, then anything is possible.

Allowing myself to dream on.

Photo is a closeup shot of my favorite Labradorite stone. If you look closely, you’ll see what appears to be a lone figure. He occupies this mystical forest, just being.

I wish I could be like him, to just be. But it is also an inherent part of our human nature to want more for ourselves when our current situation no longer gels – to make our dreams come true, to manifest our truest desires.

bookmark_borderEarth Day Everyday

I wrote this prayer for the earth today, please share ????? #earthday #22nd #22teachings

A photo posted by Naha Armády ? 22 Teachings (@naha99) on

One of my metaphysical teachers Naha, wrote this beautiful prayer in honor of Earth. I felt compelled to share it.

Naha has taught me and many others about the tarot, crystals, psychic protection & so much more.

Check out Naha’s magical Instagram or visit House of Intution

bookmark_borderMetatron’s Cube & Sacred Geometry Meditation

It’s time to start showing my website some love again; after all, I am still paying for it. Social media is fun, but websites are still the meat & potatoes of the internet (ha). What happens when Instagram is done…what WILL be the next thing? Social media platforms always tend to come and go, your website is really the closest thing to permanence.

I’ve decided to stop thinking so much. I noticed that it really held me back from being creative.

What I do at work, thinking/analyzing is ok and it works well for me but definitely not for my personal stuff.

Here is a rough drawing that I did a couple of weeks ago. I attended a guided meditation with Jessica Snow at Spellbound Sky. I’ve attended two sessions so far and wow…after coming back to the earth plane I literally had to scramble back home both times and draw what my mind’s eye saw. My mind was blown and the visions were crystal clear. It was an amazing experience and I hope to do more.

So if you feel like you’re stuck creatively or are having some kind of block, I highly suggest a guided meditation! 🙂

bookmark_borderCrystal & Stone Appreciation

I’ve been wanting to talk crystals on here, but I didn’t know how to go about it. I didn’t have the perfect photo to capture the perfect angle of any of my stones, but today I felt compelled to write something.

I’ve only been collecting crystals and gemstones for a few years, and it feels like I’m barely at the tip of the iceberg of really learning from them.

But I’m also excited that more and more people are using them to expand consciousness and to assist with spiritual growth – I never thought I’d be one of those people but life is weird, awesome and mysterious in that in unfolds in unexpected ways if you let it.

All I know is, I was searching for some kind of healing. I was full of hate, jealousy, anger, resentment. I also allowed stress to get the best of me, I cared too much about what people thought and I still couldn’t get over the death of my mom from December 2006. I was always aware of these negative feelings, but no matter how hard I tried to not feel them – I couldn’t escape them. My mind and my ego ruled more than my heart.

I truly believe that having crystals near you can change your vibration and expand your consciousness. They are able to assist us with so many things. Here’s a personal example:

I had to move to a new place recently and I was concerned about the people who lived there previously – I was wondering if they had bad or negative vibes.

So before we moved in completely, I wanted to grid the house with crystals, by making a crystal grid. I found this helpful page on crystals to use for home protection. I had searched for a few ways, but this one was the easiest to do. We also used palo santo.

That was 6 months ago, and I can safely say that I feel protected and safe in the house I’m living in.

I have more examples of crystal assistance, but for another time.

This is a picture of my first set of crystals. I love them all but I tend to gravitate to Tiger Eye, Labradorite, Fluorite and Amethyst.

And for those who are reading this and asking why, you can search online and read a few articles, including this. And trust me when I say that I’ve asked the same questions. Everyone has to experience crystal energy for themselves.

bookmark_borderYou Are the Universe – 2016

I haven’t been drawing much, but I’m always creating (as we all are in one form or another) you just might not notice me as much. I prefer being a ghost anyway.

Although I’ve been paying attention to myself more, I haven’t really given this blog much thought. I hope to start posting stuff again, but I can’t promise it will be consistent either.

So here is my first drawing of 2016.