8th House Things

Jun 6, 2023: Bumping this up because it’s become even more relevant to my life as of late. I love reading old posts to see how much of an intention or something I wanted at some point I’ve either received or completely moved on from.

Aug 11, 2022: This is a screenshot from Mystic Medusa’s Astral DNA Report that was specifically created for me based on my birth date, year and time. I love her writing and it makes my astro life sound more interesting than it really is.

Just a reminder to myself why I’m into the things I’m into. Or where I ended up working because of it (IYKYK). Sometimes I don’t understand why I’m drawn to certain things or why I insist that I’m a fucking magical witch when half of the time it just feels like I’m being an imposter. I tell myself that at least I’m not scamming other people.

I’m thriving in my “weird magic personality” on this full moon in Aquarius.

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